
Play Masterpiece Forger Game Online

    Masterpiece Forger
    There is something in humans' blood that makes them achieve things by frauds, by lies, by not being sincere person. They achieve that, no matter if for someone else that doesn't feel right. That is criminal. If one is lucky, he-she won't get caught, if he-she has less luck, will have to feel the consequences on their skin. And the greatest frauds are where there are great interests and money. Big art falsifiers are the biggest problem in the world of art and on the art market. They give terrible headaches to competent and art dealers and art collectors. Unluckily, they can be so good that even the greatest experts in this field can easily be pulled by ones leg.

    Alan is detective specialized in the field of thefts and frauds with art-pieces. He is about to discover the greatest falsifier of art works in the world. Alan has arrived in his studio and the research for evidence can begin.

    Alan is dedicated to this field for many years. He has being doing this expertise after he worked in a famous art gallery and learned from the best art dealers. His eye was very bright and crafty and could recognize good from bad piece of art and even better - fake art with real one.


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    Masterpiece Forger

    Genres: Mystery
    Played: 101,539
    Published on: 04.06.2018
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    keibre (4 years ago):

    admin (6 years ago):
    bobby, we wrote also on paste comments. By ACCEPTING the cookies (clicking on the Accept text in the popup - if you actually want to accept them) the popup will not show again. Thanks!
    bobby1 (6 years ago):
    very nice game but the cookies notice hindered my game playing some of the items where behind it and some of the word search were hid buy the notice can you movie it to the top of the web page all the other web pages have there at top  thank you
    jackfrost (6 years ago):
    BluAngel (6 years ago):
    Happy  6-2018

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